Holistic Therapy
in the Heart of Tel Aviv
The Clinic is home to some of Tel Aviv’s top, English-friendly practitioners in talk therapy, alternative and body-based therapy and a rainbow of other healing modalities. Our doors are open to anyone curious about deepening their wellbeing, but we are especially equipped to assist those navigating life in Israel as a transplant. Healing is challenging, getting support doesn’t have to be.
Holistic Therapy
in the Heart
of Tel Aviv
The Clinic is home to some of Tel Aviv’s top English-friendly practitioners in talk therapy, holistic therapy and a rainbow of other healing modalities. Our doors are open to anyone curious about deepening their wellbeing, but we are especially equipped to assist those navigating life in Israel as a transplant. Healing is challenging, getting support doesn’t have to be.

this space was dreamed up to serve you,
in whatever form your growth might take.

this space was dreamed up to serve you, in whatever form your growth might take.
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